Poem by Bob Boswinkel

News and Info
After a very long period of absence I have published some new work. Two series from 2019 in Somewhat Different:
Summerstory and Fulmar.
More new work is to follow soon!
October 2016 UPDATE:
Participation in two exhibitions with my friends from Echiquier
Exibition in Taranto for Alzheimers Patients
March 2016 UPDATE:
Publication in the American Poetry magazine Able Muze as featured artist Winter Edition 2015:
Able Muse Winter 2015
My London debut exhibition at the Brick Lane Gallery, September 2015:
Photography NOW
interview for internet Magazine Monovisions.com : MonoVisions Leon Leijdekkers
portfolio on Echiquier Online : Echiquier Leon Leijdekkers
portfolio on STRKNG.com : STRKNG Leon Leijdekkers
February 2014 UPDATE:
A really nice photographic start to 2014!
In the " Holland International Image Circuit ", edition 2014, I managed to win 4 awards. Three for Best Dutch Participant and one as Best Participant, all in the section "Monochrome Open".
Besides that also an Honourable Mention for my personal favorite “Commodious Sacrament”.
more info on Holland International Image Circuit:
Holland International Image Circuit
or here on Facebook
April 2013 UPDATE:
OneEyeLand award won:Several of my images have won titles at the One Eye Land competition 2012.
Leading to the overall title of "Amateur Photographer of the Year 2012"

June 2012 UPDATE:
April 2012 UPDATE:
The site is updated; an Archive with earlier works is formed and the number of portfolios reduced.
Some new work is added: mainly images from Pembrokeshire, Wales.
The next exhibition:
Zierkizee, May 4 till June 15.
a preview of some works on display here are to be found in the "Exhibition" section.
Date: 16-November-2011Uploaded new work with images from Ireland and the Netherlands
Date: 30-Januari-2011Solo-Exhibition in March 2011 Enschede the Nehterlands

Please see the website of Fotogalerie Objektief for more information: http://www.fotogalerie-objektief.nl/
Uploaded impressions of my visit to the Mont Saint Michel in Februari 2010. They can be found in the folder "Exhibition".
Date: 25-december-2009
I uploaded a collection of impressions of my visit to the D-day sites beginning of this month.
They can be found in the folder "Exhibition" and will remain there temporarily.
Date: 17-october-2009
On this memorable day the website "Monochrome Journeys" has been launched. The site is continually updated and new images are added frequently. In Januari 2010 the first Temporary Exhibition will start.